KOVA VP Dan Sullivan on physical design and the brain’s chemistry

Published on
January 17, 2023

Fast Company's Nate Berg interviews KOVA's Vice President Dan Sullivan. As former head of design for Google Architecture's R&D Lab, Dan brings to KOVA a diverse background centered around human experience and built environments. As VP of R&D at KOVA, Dan has been exploring the practical implications of what's being called "neuroaesthetics", the ways that physical design can lead to measurable changes in the brain's chemistry.

"If we want the workplace to become important again, it has to be a place that's attractive to employees."

Dan Sullivan

Vice President, KOVA

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Visit the link below for the insightful conversation between Dan and Nate on the practical implications of neuroaesthetics, the five science-backed ideas for making workplaces more productive and more enjoyable, and how KOVA offers design solutions for built environments that help address the demand to reinvigorate the workplace.

5 ways office design can make you happier at work

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